Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Education-Personality: Introduction



The role of education is immense in the blossoming of the personality and in social progress. An educationist called ‘Kothari’ said that education is the soul of the society. Anyway we have a saying - that a person without education is a kind of peculiar beast. Education in fact means knowing - social sciences, history and social developments. But, sadly the increase in money and elevation of social status are taking place through technical education without afore-mentioned aspects of the education. Education means the discretion to know what is good and what is bad. Education means wisdom. Education means freedom and independence and as well as equality. Education improves the cultural level of an individual.

Literacy alone is not education. Education continues orally also. In fact there is a link between literacy, education and freedom and equality. Those who attained education oppose subjugation.

The personality development literature of the Western countries pertains to a situation where in education is available to all. In other words it means the growth of equals in terms of education, employment, freedom, equity and liberty. In a country like India with different cultures and religions; providing education to all is in it self a big challenge.

In a country that is ridden with caste and religious discriminations; multiple languages; regional disparities and in equities as well as suffering from illiteracy and superstitions the blossoming of the individual and the blossoming of the personality will tread a path that is specific to that particular country. It means we have to evolve personality development literature according to the needs of our country. The need of the hour is to attain competence in the regional language as well as English. The importance of the communication skills in today’s world can not be underestimated. Those who are good in communication are emerging as first among equals.

Every problem has a solution. Lack of clarity as to the solution makes the problem look irresolvable. The solution lies within the womb of the problem itself.

The discriminations of gender and caste are continuing even in the language we use. So does ignorance in language. Subtle lies are being perpetuated as wholesome truths. Many people believe the sentence that ‘Sun will rise in the east.’ But, this sentence is in itself a combination of two lies. Sun is a star and doesn’t fit into either masculine or feminine gender. But in our local usage the word ‘Sun’ represents masculine gender. As well Sun in fact is not rising in the east. It is our earth which while revolving around itself is getting exposed to the rays of sun on its surface facing the sun at that time. But despite that we believe in the absurdity that sun will rise in the east as an indisputable truth. As well the masculine gender attributed to the sun is another limitation laid down by the language. These are matters that apply to both men and women.

Buddha gave the world some guidelines regarding the structure of the personality. Also; epics like Ramayana and Mahabharatha gave us many models of personality structure. Ancient literature discussed in detail about the personality structure, character and Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. Many great men from various ages talked at length about various stages of the life, like nirvana and helping the fellow human beings. Those advises play a crucial role even in today’s life. The role of children’s literature in personal blossoming could not be ignored.

The personality of an individual is being talked about, seen and analyzed from three angles since ancient times. One of them is – social blossoming is nothing but personal blossoming. If you change, the world would change. Society will appear to you only according to your perspective. If each individual changes, the world will change. This sort of approach was there since ages.

Another angle is seeing from the perspective of the state, the kingdom, the dominant class. The third angle is of the way that Budha advocated. This angle sees the world, personal blossoming and social blossoming which are all in balance from the social perspective. Buddha’s advocacy has shown the way ahead for the world. The wheel is being re-invented. In the modern times it is again being recognized that personal blossoming and the social blossoming should go hand in hand. In order to achieve this education and educational planning are being considerate as the most important tools. So, personal blossoming continues according to the education. As education is controlled by the government the personal blossoming through education continues according to the needs of the society and the governmental limitations. For this reason only reading books beyond the limit of the educational plan alone would lead to the proper education, proper personality and proper society.


The primitive human beings struggled against nature, and animals for their survival. They also co-existed with them. They tamed them. The modern man has Tran sanded that stage. For the sake of the smooth functioning of the cohabitation human beings adopted some rules and morality. The institution of marriage came in to existence. Before that polygamy and polyandry were the norm of the day. That is a bygone time. In course of time many social structures like family, marriage, state, society, caste, clan, race and country came into existence.

The result of this is that the life of the modern man travels through various social structures. These social structures are determining the personality of the human beings, personal blossoming, personal status, tastes, skills and ultimately freedom and independence. Personal blossoming is nothing but understanding these social structures and the loss of social change.

Human relations are nothing but the invisible threats connecting with one human being to another. In the process of administering these relations only the structures like the blood relation, family, caste, race, culture, civilization, society and trade unions were formed. As a result of this the laws govern the individual and the personal blossoming spread out as personality development literature, social structures and various theories. Without understanding all this – the personal blossoming is nothing but building a tower without a foundation.

Each and everybody should have a due share in the social product. It is a fundamental right but in real life some people are being pushed aside, their share is being appropriated where as on the other side some other people who are supposedly successful are cornering the social product at the cost of others. This is sue do culture propagating in the name of individual success. This self centered attitude is being promoted in the name of personality blossoming and the losers in this game are being portrayed as inefficient. Even the media is strengthening this sort of attitude.

An average person in our society is being pushed into believing that he is helpless and alone in each and every step. Only when we can overcome this we can call our society really civilized. Man is a social animal. He is not isolated from the social fabric. Every individual will be in one or the other social structure in each and every stage of life. Those stages are being analyzed in this book. Though social structures in which individuals live as a part of family, blood relations, caste, race, clam, institution, organization, state, country, government, social ethics and friendships. The psychology of individual will develop as a part and partial of these structures only.

Personality is nothing but a social phenomenon. Isolating the individual from the society is not a scientific approach. Personality develops as an end result of the social phenomenon. This is my central proposition in this book.

Personality blossoming continues in the backdrop of the society. Personal blossoming is possible only by understanding the social structures. It is possible to change the Social structures in accordance with the needs of the humanity in above context only. So for personal blossoming or else for socially based personality structure the understanding of the social structures is a must. Without social structures they can’t be an individual or a personality. In such a case there is no need of a person or personality at all. For a lone human being like a Tarzan in a forest there is no need of any structure at all.

There are many diverse kinds of personality models in this book. From amongst those you could take up whatever you like. Or else you yourself could develop your own new model. In this book various stages of life were discussed. For some reason the personal blossoming of the older people was ignored.

This book need not be studied in the order it is written. You could start from any page you like. Every chapter of the book is written as a separate essay. So you could start any where. It is better if you leave aside the first chapter to start with. The first chapter is a little complex one. But for reasons of scientific compatibility it has kept at the beginning. In any case it is better to an ordinary reader to read the first chapter at the end. After reading this book I hope you will agree with me that personal blossoming means understanding the sciences of the personal structure and society.

People look forward for good role models in order to emulate and follow. If you want to be such a role model for others - follow this book. If you want to grow in the society - this book is for you. If you want to advance the society further ahead also this book is for you. If this book could help you in improving your personality even modestly I think the purpose of it was achieved.


I gave questionnaires in every chapter of this book. They help in bringing out your experiences, thoughts and thus resolving yourself out of dilemmas you have. Take a 200 page note book write down all the important ideas you likes. As well as write down all the things that came to your mind while reading this book. Later on write down all the answers for the questions given in each chapter. Now and then rewrite them. Your understanding may be changing continuously. The changed understanding has to be recorded. In order to facilitate this re writing, write only one side of the note book. If you write to me the important aspects of them I will publish them in another book with your bi-line.

As your Practice, experiences expand and deepen and also as your personality blossoms further, new insights will come to you as you read this book again and again. These new insights might be your own. If you write to me these new ideas I will add them in the next book.

In colleges and universities 140 sessions of the classes will generally be organized at the rate of 40 minutes a session in a year. The contents of this book will constitute 70 such sessions in total. If taught at the rate of 8 hours a day it will take 10 days. At the rate of 40 minutes a day they will constitutes 100 sessions. If some of the aspects of this book are not clear to you ask some body whom you know to take a class, in course of time you yourself could take the classes.

Some concepts in this book were repeated out of necessity in some chapters of this book. The importance of them is such. The experiences and conversations with many writers and friends as well as reference of various books helped in the ultimate format of this book. I thank one and all.